Embrace your story
Live your story
Share your story
Halle Temple was a fierce fighter, student, and friend. She was determined to make her impact on this world through sharing her story of perseverance, healing, and joy. Though Halle had to fight Ewing’s Sarcoma three times in her life, she never let those battles get her down. She knew her story was one that could be shared to inspire hope and strength to those who took the time to listen. Halle’s fight ended in May of 2020, but we at Share Your Story are determined to continue sharing Halle’s story, and use that story to help other families in their own battles with cancer.

hallegrace Apparel is Live!
hallegrace Apparel is Live! ⋆
What we’re all about
Check out our announcement video to learn more about the heart of Share Your Story and the goals Halle left us with. We strive to embody the spirit of selflessness and charity Halle held throughout her life.
We’ve felt the effects cancer can have on a family, and we are doing something about it.

Words To Live By
Halle was an avid writer. She felt the words she could share on paper held immense power of hope and healing. Share Your Story was born out of Halle’s blog, Live Your Story, where Halle shared her thoughts, feelings, and emotions as she journeyed through life. It gave her the platform to write about where God was taking her and the things he was asking her to lay down. It was a part of the calling that she felt God was leading her to embrace and share with others. Please take some time to read through her entries to be able to help gain insight into Halle’s faith and her sweet loving heart to help others.
Each battle against cancer is different, and everyone has a unique part to play.
We are making a difference in our backyard—Columbus, Ohio. This community helped Halle when she needed it most. Now we are giving right back to the city we call home.
Would you help us?
We appreciate any support you choose to provide. Follow the link to donate online, or check our donation page above.